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1997 Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS)


In 1997, the youth survey was administered by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD). The PCCD has administered all subsequent surveys. The 1997 survey added four basic knowledge questions about the effects of marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes, and inhalants (Diagnostics Plus, 1997, n.p.).

Diagnostics Plus. (1997). Appendices: A generation at risk: Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, weapons, violence, and Pennsylvania’s Youth: The 1997 survey. State College, PA: Diagnostics Plus.

High Highlights from 1997 Statewide Survey of Student Drug Use (PDF)

Report Part I (PDF)
Report Part II (PDF)

Appendices Part I (PDF)

Appendices Part II (PDF)

Survey instrument is Appendices Part I.

 Content Editor