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 How to Get and Manage Funds

Federal Application Requirements

All potential agency applicants and subrecipients for federal funding must be registered with the System for Award Management (SAM, formerly CCR) and have a Unique Entity Identifier Number (12-character identifier, known as the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) issued during the SAM registration). 

Getting a Unique Entity Identifier Number 

Confirm that your agency has a current registration in SAM and a Unique Entity Identifier Number. The Unique Entity Identifier Number is issued as part of your SAM registration.  If not, begin the process early because of the time involved to register. More information registering with SAM can be found here: |Home   

More information on UEI can be found here: In A New Window 

Registering with SAM

Once you have all the necessary information, go to the SAM System. Registration should take 20-60 minutes to complete. Click “Create an Account” in the center of the page. Allow ten days after completing the forms to receive your valid registration.

The requirements above are part of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Sub-Award Reporting System.

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