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Where to go for help

The School District of Philadelphia

To Report Bullying or Harassment, Click Here: SDP Reporting Procedures 

Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities
Disciplinary Process
Rachel Holzman, Esq., Deputy
440 N. Broad St. 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Phone: 215-400-4830

Office of Student Enrollment and Placement
Unsafe School Choice Transfer Requests
Darnell Deans, Director
440 N. Broad Street, Suite 111

Student Support Services
Bullying & Harassment Concerns              
Gina Upshaw, Director - School Climate and Safety
440 N. Broad St. 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19130
(215) 400-4870

Office of School Safety
Kevin Bethel, Executive Director of School Safety
440 N. Broad St. 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Phone: 215-400-4710

Gaylen Conley, Director, School Safety Operations
440 N. Broad St. 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Phone:  215-400-4710

Pennsylvania Department of Education

The mission of the Department of Education is to ensure that every learner has access to a world-class education system that academically prepares children and adults to succeed as productive citizens. Further, the Department seeks to establish a culture that is committed to improving opportunities throughout the commonwealth by ensuring that technical support, resources, and optimal learning environments are available for all students, whether children or adults.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education's Office for Safe Schools coordinates school safety and security programs, collects the annual school violence statistics, coordinates antiviolence efforts, and develops policies and strategies to combat school violence. 

The office supports and provides technical assistance, professional development programs, and security-related activities to support school safety in the following areas: crisis intervention, school police training, violence prevention, social/emotional wellness, and safety. The office provides these services to all local school entities.

Office for Safe Schools
Scott Kuren, Director
Safe Schools Office
333 Market St. 7th Floor
Harrisburg, Pa. 17126
Phone: 717-783-6469 |

Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations

The Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations is an agency empowered by the City to enforce its civil rights laws. Contact this office if you feel you have been a victim of discrimination.

Center City Office
The Curtis Center
601 Walnut Street, Suite 300 South
Philadelphia, PA 19106

North Philadelphia Field Office
601 W. Lehigh Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19133

Office of The District Attorney

The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office provides a voice for victims of crime and protects the community through investigations and prosecutions. You might want to call their office if there has been an arrest and charges were approved. The office can answer any questions regarding your case.

Office of the District Attorney
Three South Penn Square
Corner of Juniper and South Penn Square
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3499

To File a Private Criminal Complaint Against an Adult:
1425 Arch Street, 4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103

For Victim Assistance:
Victim/Witness Services Unit of the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office

Juvenile Court

To File a Private Criminal Complaint Against a Juvenile:
1501 Arch Street 
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Instructions (PDF)
215-686-4000 or (General Information)
215-686-4100 (Case Information)

For Victim Assistance:

Charter Schools in Philadelphia

If your child attends a charter school, you should review your school's handbook to see who to contact or please find a list of the charter schools and their contact information at, Charter Schools Directory SY 2021-2022.pdf  You can also contact the Charter Schools Office at the following:  

Charter Office :

440 N. Broad Street
Portal B - Suite 102*
Philadelphia PA 19130