Basic Training
The Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Basic Training Academy consists of 760 hours of training. Attendees must be either an elected or appointed sheriff or employed as a deputy sheriff in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Registrations are submitted electronically in the Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Information System (SDSIS). As a pre-requisite to being enrolled in the Academy, all sheriffs/deputy sheriffs are required to be certified in First Aid Training and CPR Training. Attendees are also required to be medically cleared by a licensed physician, as documented on the Physical Form. In addition, all attendees are required to pass an entrance physical fitness test that is administered the first day of the training academy. Failure to pass the entrance fitness test will result in immediate dismissal from the academy.
Topics of instruction include: Introduction to the Academy and Cognitive Command (C2), Unified Court System of Pennsylvania, Civil Law and Procedure, Crimes and Offenses, Criminal Procedure, Motor Vehicle Code, Use of Force, Communications, Cultural Diversity, Ethics, Physical Conditioning, Firearms, Flying While Armed, Defensive Tactics, Security, IS 100 LE Incident Command, NIMS 700A, Hazardous Materials, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Patrol Operations, Crisis Management, Role of the First Responder, Standard Field Sobriety Testing, Sobriety Check Points, Tactical First Aid, Emergency Vehicle Operations, and Competency Skills Training.
Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs shall attain at least the minimum score established by the Board on written tests designed for each topic area, shall demonstrate proficiency in all practical skills, and successfully pass the physical fitness test in order to successfully complete training and be certified by the Board.